One of the big concerns for every person whether believer or not is what to do in the beginning of the year. It’s a valid concern because at the start of every year, a lot is needed. This is normally a time thanksgiving for the past year, it’s also a time of evaluation, never forgetting planning and strategizing which is supposed to be put in place to give shape to the entire year.
In this post, we will be looking towards discussing about such issues as mentioned above to bring about direction in one’s life and moving towards achieving one’s goals within a given year.
Let’s start our discussion with the issue of thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving in the Beginning of the Year
Thanking God in details is an attitude that needs to be embraced. Do NOT be in a hurry to thank God, take your time and invest in Thanksgiving.
Psalm 103:1-3. The bible says “do not forget about His benefits.”
In 1Thessalonians 5:18, the bible says “Give thanks in ALL circumstances.”
Why give thanks? Romans 8:28, for we know that GOD WORKS EVERYTHING for GOOD of those who have been called in accordance to God’s PURPOSE.
What happens when we give thanks? Psalm 50:23, we PREPARE a way for God’s SALVATION.
Thanksgiving is one of the important practices which acts as an interlude especially if it’s done with knowledge and revelation. The bible set gives us so many instances as to why we should give thanks and one of the common verses we can’t overlook is in 1Thessalonian 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances.”
The word of God points out that thanksgiving is not only for the good moments we have had in our lives, but we are supposed to own up even those times we term as ‘negative’ – when things didn’t turn out as per our expectations. In Romans 8:28, we learn that “for we know that God works all things for good of those who love Him, and those who have called for His purpose.”
Within a year, many things happen, and whether negative or positive, we should set our minds to thank God. Having a heart of gratitude shows that we believe that God knows and allows what only that is aimed at making us better version to accomplish our divine purpose in life.
Did you know that we not only thank God for what He has done but also for what we hope He will do? This is a high degree of maturity to realize that we receive from God by being thankful but not becoming complainants. The children of Israel in Numbers 14:26-30, missed their season of entering the promised land due to their grumbling, of course we don’t want to fall in the same trap (1Corinthians 10:10-12)
Evaluation in the Beginning of the Year
Another important thing to do at the beginning of every year is to make an evaluation of the already ending year. Of course, as the ending year was starting, you made important goals, and this is a good time to evaluate yourself to see how far you went in achieving your goals.
For example, you made a goal to pray and fast twice a week as well as reading of God’s word. You also committed yourself that you will be a giver in the work of the Lord. On a piece of paper you can write down the goals you had set as the year was starting, then write against each goal how far you have gone in achieving each of them.
In 2Corinthians 13:5; 2Peter 1:10-11, the bible teaches us that it’s important to test ourselves to see whether we are still in faith or not. This is of course the evaluation. Every believer needs to take time and evaluate themselves in line with the Word of God and see whether you are growing spiritually or still stagnant.
Why is it important to evaluate yourself? Because you are the first person who with first hand information about what your exact goals that you had set at the beginning of the year. Secondly, because you know your vision, mission and objective to be achieved.
You MUST evaluate the following: –
Ask yourself questions like, how can you gauge your relationship with God? Is your growth graph going up or down? What are you doing to see that your growth is evident? Philippians 3:10
This is about your mental development and transformation. Ask yourself the following questions, how has your mind been transformed? Have you developed any skill? What occupies your mind all the time? Romans 12:1-2
This is whereby you evaluate how you relate with other people. Ask questions like, “How can you gauge your relationships? Are you having negative relationships? 1Corinthians 15:33.
This is where you evaluate your physical health by asking the following, “How is your physical health? Are you having enough rest? Do you do physical exercises? 1Timothy 4:8
Evaluating your financial health is equally important because when you are financially disturbed you can’t serve God. Ask questions like, “How much knowledge do you have regarding finances? How can you gauge your expenditure? How is your giving pattern? Are you walking towards financial freedom or bondage? 1Timothy 6:6-10
Correcting Mistakes in the Beginning of the Year
In Proverbs 26:11-19, we learn one important truth that, “it’s only a fool who does not learn from their mistakes.”
How do we CORRECT mistakes?
Go through the above points and gauge yourself (in a scale of 1 to 10) – be honest with yourself.
Find out WHY you FAILED in each area?
Find out your weak points and strong points.
Find the desired information on how to IMPOVE. To find information, do the following: –
Study what the bible says about the issue at hand
Study about people who have excelled in the area of your study and find out what they did to excel in the area.
Make it a prayer request, and move forward to PRACTICE what you have discovered.
The question is after evaluation what next? It doesn’t stop at that, instead a wise person is that one who learns from their mistakes. In Proverbs 17:10-20, whoever learns from a rebuke is a wise person. After discovering the mistakes that you did past year, this should not discourage you instead it should cheer you up to become a better person.
Did you know that God designed that human beings grow after they have undergone challenges? Every triumph in your life came after you overcame a certain challenge. That is why I love Romans 8:28, that God works everything for good. In verse 17, says that that is why we must share in the sufferings together Christ, so that we can also share in glory.
What does this mean? There is no glory without suffering, no triumph without trial, NO THORE WITHOUT CROSS! By looking at your failures in your life should push you towards victory but not towards giving up. Every challenge you pass through therefore should be an opportunity for promotion and a springboard to greater heights.
Strategizing in the Beginning of the Year
Your GOAL is to achieve the DIVINE DESTINY – your purpose in life, Ephesians 2:10
Do you KNOW your PURPOSE in life? – IF YES
Write clearly your VISION (What you see). Write clearly you MISSION (how you will achieve your vision)
Break down your MISSION into achievable goals
Come up with annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals
Avoid all forms of TIME WASTERS, Psalm 90:12; Ephesians 5:16
Another major thing you should do at the beginning of the of the year is of course laying a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily strategies that will help you achieve your purpose in life. That means every year in year out should be taken as important segment to achieve your destiny (Ephesians 2:10).
Do you know your purpose in life? As the year ends, what have you accomplished to move towards achieving this purpose? As we cross over to the new year, what plans do you have to move towards your destiny? Remember God created and positioned you where you are today for a divine purpose (Acts 17:26-27).
Thanks so much for this information! My desire is to know more and more.
Most welcome. May God receive the glory. My prayer is that you may come to the full knowledge of God and grow in Him who saves and sustains.